Beaufort-en-anjou - France


Beaufort-en-Anjou - France

The association “Les Floralies de l’Authion”, being a wake-up call, decides to gather all the forces and know-how of Beaufort-en-Anjou in order to put the “companion plant” back in its place in the life of men.
To raise public awareness by creating a festival, to open up new cultural and economic developments, to re-enchant the marshland of the commune, a green lung and seam between Gée and Beaufort-en-Anjou.
Several themes and/or lines of thought have been determined for the implementation, in stages, of this “Plant and Life” event:
The importance of the Loire and its tributaries
Waiting for nature
Companion plants
The re-discovery of the art and the way to cultivate one’s garden
Living together
The place of the animal
King René’s route
– The hortibus.

Plant Festival
Historical legacy
Shared space
Ecological management

    • Master plan and programming of a festival on the theme of plants
    • Association les Floralies de l’Authion
  • Inter-municipal territory
    > Study delivered

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